One, No One and One Hundred Thousand
This series includes oil paintings, transfers on wood and on paper and it explores the parallels between the artistic processes and the biological processes of memory making and recall.
A study in oil painting of the emerging identity of the immortal cell line, HeLa.
I'm interested in the idea that we each are many – and that from moment to moment, we shift, split, merge, cooperate, compete or ignore ourselves.
I'm another title
Surface Markers
I'm always interested in new ways of getting to know ourselves and each other that don't involve looking at a face. In this project, I invite you to consider what the objects you are carrying with you, right at this moment, may say about who you are, where you've been and where you are.
2013 - present
HeLa cells searching
This series explores different distinctions and boundaries defined in the human body by biology.
Joana Ricou, copyright 2013
Other self (the human microbiome)
This series of living paintings and prints explore the human microbiome and our surroundings.
Ms. Henrietta Lacks
This series of portraits attempts to restore the likeness of Ms. Henrietta Lacks, the progenitor of the HeLa cell line.
From moment to moment, we shift, split, merge - compete, collaborate and ignore ourselves...
Evo-Repro: Painting with Natural Selection
Fellow at STUDIO for Creative Inquiry, Carnegie Mellon University
Children's Museum of Pittsburgh